Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunset Theater

We will be ending our WWOOF adventure on June 6th.
June 6-19: exploration of Maui, couchsurfing, camping, hiking
June 19: flight to Portland
June 19-28: visiting West Coast friends, exploring California
June 28-July 2: a secret trip we cannot talk about
July 3-5: the long journey home on train


  1. Hi my name is Caylie, I randomly came across your blog while looking into wwoofing in Hawaii. It looks like you guys are having an amazing time at your current host and not such amazing times at a previous farm. I would love to hear more about your journey as wwoofers, as I am looking into coming to the islands as soon as possible. Your input would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing back from you.
    My email is

  2. Aloha,

    I am randomly stumbled across your rad blog whist trolling the interweb for wwoofing hawaii.

    If you have a minute, could you please share which places you wwoofed and a comment or two? I'm heading to Maui in Sept/Oct for a month or two.

    Super thanks, er, Mahalo! PS love the photos!

  3. wow, very cool blog I would also love to hear more about your time in hawaii woofing, what a great way to live in paradise.


